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Severyn Brodziak, St. Stanislaus Kostka School

Middlesex County

Image of Shortnose sturgeon. Middlesex County.Shortnose sturgeon. Middlesex County. Severyn Brodziak

The Shortnose Sturgeon

Hi I'm Severyn. I'm a shortnose sturgeon, I am an endangered fish. I always try to find my buddies in the swamps and marshes in New Jersey. Everyday I'm losing my friends. My species and I have become endangered because of game fishing in New Jersey.

Shortnose sturgeons inhabit rivers and lakes in New Jersey. It prefers the bays, offshore bays, and the bottom habitats of large river systems. We do not make offshore migrations like salmon or shad. Young shortnose sturgeons are believed to feed on insects and small crabs. Mollusks and large crabs are the primary food of adult sturgeons. The reason we are being endangered is because of construction of dams, polluting the water, game fishing, and pollution of many large northeastern river systems during the time of growth in the late 1800s and the early 1900s. As a result, they have fewer places to live and have no place to hide.

Please help us, we want to live. Every single day more and more of us are disappearing! If you want to help us stop game fishing and don't pollute the water. You are our only hope! Please help us!

Written by: Severyn Brodziak

St. Stanislaus Kostka School, Sayreville

Teacher: Mrs.Foret