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Madison Devone, South Harrison Elementary School

Gloucester County

Image of Humpback Whale. Gloucester County.Humpback Whale. Gloucester County. Madison Devone

Humpback Whale

I chose to do the Species on the Edge project about the humpback whale. I chose the humpback whale because when I get older I would like to be a marine biologist and help save the sea creatures. I also find the humpback whales to be fascinating because of their size.

The humpback whales grow up to be about 52 feet long! The humpback whale may grow up to be 30-50 tons, which is as big as one full tractor trailer! Humpback whales breed and calve in the winter in warm tropical waters and travel to colder waters in the summer to feed.

Marine biologists put a ban on hunting the humpback whale about forty years ago, which helped bring these animals out of extinction. The humpback whales are slowly coming back because of the hunting ban. Before the ban people were killing the humpback whales for their meat and blubber. In Japan people would eat the meat and use the blubber to make chewing gum.

Some humpback whales live in the Northern Atlantic Ocean and someday I would love to see one for myself. Thanks to marine biologists and caring people the humpback whales are not extinct, but still on the endangered list. Someday I hope that they are removed from the endangered list.

Madison Devone

South Harrison Twp Elementary School

Harrisonville, NJ

Mr. Dunner