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Talia Fishman, Solomon Schechter School

Middlesex County

Image of Allegheny Woodrat. Middlesex County.Allegheny Woodrat. Middlesex County. Talia Fishman

Allegheny Woodrat

Hey! You there! I'm an Allegheny woodrat, an endangered species. We are mainly dying out because gypsy moths are invading oak trees so now there are fewer acorns for our winter food supply. Also, we like to collect raccoon feces because it looks interesting and it is full of berries and nuts. Unfortunately, it usually contains round worms. This is another reason why we are endangered.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My Latin name is Neotoma magister. I'm grayish brown on top but my belly is white. My body is about 15 to 18 inches long including my tail. Unlike most rats, my tail is furry. We like to live in rocky areas such as cliffs and caves. In New Jersey, the only place left where we still live is in the Palisades.

If you would like to give me a treat (which I hope you would!), I'm not picky. Fruits, seeds, buds, stems, nuts, or leaves will do. Also, I like to collect shiny things like coins to put in my "midden" which is a pile of things I find. I make my midden out of random things like bottle caps, plastic bags, and gun cartridges.

I'm so excited that so many people are trying to help me! Some scientists are putting medicine in raccoon bait so the round worms die off and we won't get sick. Also, kids have been collecting acorns for our winter supply. I always like it when they do this. It makes me feel like I'm really loved!

"Why help a rat?" you might ask. "Are they even worth saving?" Well, I am really cute so how can you resist? Secondly, you never know how our species' extinction will affect the ecosystem until it is too late. How do you know we won't be valuable in the future? I really hope that you continue to care and help me and my friends thrive again!

Talia Fishman


East Brunswick, NJ

Mrs. A. Barnett