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Catherine Rizzotti, Washington School

Essex County

Image of Fin Whale. Essex County.Fin Whale. Essex County. Catherine Rizzotti

Fin Whale

A fin whale is a baleen whale along with ten others. Baleen whales are whales with no teeth but they have bristles hanging from their upper jaw made of a material similar to fingernails. A baleen acts as a good filter. Fin whales are known to grow more than eighty-five feet. Although an average fin whale is much smaller. Its weight range is between thirty and eight tons. Baby whales are called calves. At birth a fin whale is normally two tons. Calves stay very close to their mothers and they stay together for many months, sometimes even years. They learn by imitating their mothers' paths and moves. Fin whales eat small fish and krill, which are tiny shrimp. They are warm blooded animals and live in all oceans of the world. Fin whales live until they are sixty to eights years old.

Catherine Rizzotti

Washington School

West Caldwell, NJ

Mrs. Brock