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Luke Youngman, Harmonty Township School

Warren County

Image of Northern pine snake. Warren County.Northern pine snake. Warren County. Luke Youngman

Did you know that the Pituophis m. melaolcucus, or northern pine snake, could grow to be (48-100) inches long? Well I can. I have been seen to grow 6 feet long. I am a dull white to yellowish or gray snake and I have a pointed head.

My animal is threatened. My species is threatened because of loss of habitat and off-road RVs also have a hurtful effect on us. My kind was threatened in 2003.

I live in forest openings with leaves, sandy soils, and shrubs for nesting. I am not an aggressive snake but I have a growling hiss to defend myself. So don't be scared if you hear it.

So if you are 4-wheeling or riding your dirt bike be careful and try not to hit me.

Written by: Luke Youngman

Harmony Township School, Phillipsburg

Teacher: Mrs. Fox