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Evan Bravstein, The Willow School

Somerset County

Image of Second Place, Somerset County, Southern Gray TreefrogSecond Place, Somerset County, Southern Gray Treefrog (c) Evan Braustein

Southern Gray Treefrog

DON'T EAT ME! Oh, it's only you, a human. Hello, my name is Cozmos, and I'm a Southern Gray treefrog, a.k.a., the Cope's Gray treefrog.

Because of you, humans, we are on the edge of extinction. We live in woodland and swamp areas. We can almost look invisible perched on trees or pieces of wood, so it will take very keen eyes to spot us. Also, my kind has many predators such as birds, snakes, other frogs, and small mammals. We have orange spots on our legs, so when we're being hunted by our predators we can scare them off by jumping away and flashing the spots. Finally, our mating call is a chirping sound, so please, if you hear us, don't just think we're annoying, and please chirp back!

We need your protection for many reasons. You always seem to need wood, whether it's for a fire or for constructing buildings. You're cutting down our homes.

Why do you do that? You don't see us cutting down your houses, do you? My species and Iare trying to repopulate, but it is hard when you're cutting down our homes, filling in our breeding ponds, and destroying our swamps. Our breeding ponds are disappearing because of people illegally filling them with dirt. Also, our water is being poisoned because of toxic dumping and chemical-filled runoff. Please do not pollute!

We need your help to protect us. One way you can help us is if you're trying to build a house on or near a pond, please pick another spot. Another way you can help us is if a pond is already identified as a breeding pond, do not dump in it, or the government will shut you down! Also, please, if you see us, leave us alone. We're trying to repopulate! Lastly, if you have a farm or crop area near a breeding pond, try not to use any chemicals that will hurt us.

The Southern Gray treefrog is already at risk of dying out, but there is a lot you can do to help us. So it's up to YOU, and your kind, to protect us.

Written by: Evan Bravstein

The Willow School, Gladstone, NJ

Teacher: Mrs. VanDette, Mrs. Coy, Mrs. Potter & Mr. Beil