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Jamie Fogarty, Drum Point School

Ocean County

Image of 2011 Edge- Jamie Fogarty, Drum Point School

Atlantic Leatherback Sea Turtle

Have you ever had that butterfly feeling in your stomach? Sort of like it's the end of the world? Well, that's how I felt, actually that's how I feel right now! You know how you guys or H-U-MAN-S, whatever you call yourselves, throw plastic bags in the ocean? Well, I feed on jellyfish, so if I see a plastic bag I may mistake it for a jellyfish and choke on it. Speaking of which, my friend, PJ, is in the hospital for eating one. So instead, can you use reusable ones? Please!

Anyway, please mind my manners. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Oki an Atlantic leatherback sea turtle. Please don't mind my chubbiness. All of us leatherbacks are very heavy. 600 to 2, 000 lbs to be exact! We are actually the largest of all living sea turtles! We live in the open ocean and love our food SO MUCH that we follow our prey (the jellyfish) wherever they go. We also have backwards spines in our throat and it makes it a lot easier to swallow our soft-bodied prey.

You know what I can't stand...? PREDATORS!!!!! Adults, like me, have one main predator..............Sharks! Hatchlings are prey to many types of species. Like birds, raccoons, and crabs. I really wish I can report them to the ocean police, but I can't because it's the "Circle of Life." I always try to persuade them by saying "What if you were eaten before you even got in the water," but they never listen. I just think its SAD!

So, help me stop having butterflies in my stomach. Help me survive through this problem that YOU are putting us through! Help us make this world a better place. Not just for me and other ocean life, but for you, too.

Jamie Fogarty

Drum Point Road School

Brick, NJ

Mrs. Acropolis