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Meghan Scrivani, Blairstown Elementary School

Warren County

Image of Atlantic green sea turtle. Camden County.Atlantic green sea turtle. Camden County. Gemma Spina The Barred Owl

"No, No! Not another one! You can't cut down another tree!"

I am the Barred Owl. I am kind of in a bad situation right now. See, some of you, humans, are cutting down and building landscapes over all the trees that the Barred Owls need.

We don't need much. All we eat are small mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects or small birds. You people have disturbed our habitat and breeding grounds so much that our population is now threatened. To look for us, here is what we look like and where we live. We have big round heads, with bulging dark brown eyes. We lack ears. We have large fluffy looking white barrels on our upper chest. We live in the eastern United States, northern and southern Canada, and south of the Gulf of Florida. We don't migrate, we like it where we are all year round.

Here is what you can do to help. Please, if you see any people cutting down trees, do something! Protest, scream, anything! Please help save the Barred Owl. If you take out the big dead trees, odds are we live in them. Don't do that! Protect the wetland forests, we live in those too. Sometimes we are even shot as trophies. That is what happened to me last summer I was so close to getting shot! If you see any illegal shooting call a forest ranger or a police officer. If you take out the tiny trees, that is good. It provides more sunlight and helps the big trees grow more, and we will have more nesting room. Please do whatever you can, just please help save the Barred Owl!

Written by: Meghan Scrivani

Blairstown Elementary School, Blairstown

Teacher: Mrs. Pelosi