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Bella Beviss, Alpha Public School

Warren County

Image of Shortnose sturgeon. Warren CountyShortnose sturgeon. Warren County Bella Beviss

Shortnose Sturgeon

I am an Acipenser breviostrium (shortnose sturgeon). I live in the upper tidal of the Delaware River. I can also be found within the Hudson River. The young of my species eat bottom-dwelling crustaceans and insects. The adults of my species eat insects, freshwater clams and mussels, snails, marine worms, crustaceans, small flounder, and a variety of other organisms. The life cycle of my species is: the eggs hatch about 13 days after fertilization, they look like tadpoles, and then they become young. Once they grow they will become an adult.

I am endangered because people are overfishing. They want our meat and eggs. Also the water in the Delaware River is becoming contaminated.

You can save my species by not fishing in the Delaware River as much or as often. You can also try not to hurt or eat our eggs and our meat. Help save us please!!!!!!

Bella Beviss

Alpha Public School

Alpha, NJ

Mrs. Bickert