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Gemma Spina, Signal Hill School

Camden County

Image of Atlantic green sea turtle. Camden County.Atlantic green sea turtle. Camden County. Gemma Spina

Hello! I'm known as the Atlantic Green Sea turtle. I'm a beautiful animal if you ask me, but lately I have been in trouble. Will we be next to go? We are getting searched for and getting killed. We will be made into jewelry and other products from our shell. When we have our eggs, foxes, seagulls, and other birds will eat them.

We are the largest hard-shelled sea turtle. Adults commonly grow up to 20 to 28 inches, and they weigh up to 80 to 110 pounds. Hatchlings, or baby turtles, grow to about 4 to 5 centimeters and weigh about 25 grams. We turtles have a diet of algae and sea grass, so we are vegetarians. It is difficult to find the population because of what is going on.

People can help us by reserving areas for us so that animals don't eat our hatchlings. They can also try not to hurt us and hunt us. Not everything needs to be killed for jewelry or any other product made from our shell. Can't people find beauty without hurting anyone, thing, or animal? We are wonderful animals, humans just need to figure that out.

Written By: Gemma Spina

Signal Hill School, Vorhees

Teacher: Ms-Caitlin Heiser