Conserve Wildlife Blog

Endangered Allegheny Woodrats Need Our Help!

September 1st, 2011

Collect Native Tree Nuts to feed the Woodrats

By Maria Grace, Education & Outreach Manager


The last known Allegheny woodrat population lives at the base of the Palisades in northern New Jersey.

The Allegheny woodrat is a state endangered species. It was added to the endangered species list in 1991. There is one remaining population of these small mammals left in the state and they need our help this winter.

This season we are going to help the woodrat by providing it with food. We will distribute acorns, beech nuts, hickory nuts or any other nuts from native New Jersey trees in the area the woodrats live. By providing them with food we will help them survive the winter.

Collecting nuts while learning about the habits and habitat needs of the Allegheny woodrat is a great service learning project! Have your students collect native tree nuts throughout the community and help to protect one of NJ’s rarest wildlife residents.

We are collecting nuts now through October 31, 2011 to distribute to the woodrat’s location throughout the winter. If you would like to contribute to the woodrat’s winter food pantry, please drop off nuts from native New Jersey trees to ENSP’s office in Clinton, New Jersey. Please call Maria Grace at Conserve Wildlife Foundation at (609) 984-0621 for specific instructions. Nuts will be collected until October 31st.

For more information about the Allegheny woodrat, visit CWF’s online field guide.

To read about the 2009 supplemental feeding program, visit the Explorations, February 2010 edition.

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