Conserve Wildlife Blog

Archive for the ‘Education’ Category

Species on the Edge Winners Explore Sedge Island

Wednesday, August 21st, 2024

by Rachel McGovern, Communications and Outreach Manager

Just off the coast of Island Beach State Park, you can find the Sedge Islands Marine Conservation Zone. This unique area is managed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and is home to a great number of wildlife species. Across this 1,900-acre preserve, one can find ospreys, rays, Northern diamondback terrapins, American oystercatchers, and many other incredible animals. Tucked away in this area is an island with a historic building that was once a duck hunting lodge but is now the Sedge Island Natural Resource Education Center.

The Sedge Island Natural Resource Education Center is located in the Sedge Islands Marine Conservation Zone.

Each year, winners of the Species on the Edge Art & Essay Contest are invited to the Sedge Island Natural Resource Education Center (often referred to as simply “Sedge” or “Sedge Island”) to spend a day exploring the salt marsh. The Species on the Edge Art & Essay Contest is held annually for fifth graders in New Jersey. To enter, students submit an original art piece and essay centered around an at-risk New Jersey species of their choice. A panel of judges chooses a winner from each county in New Jersey. A trip to Sedge Island is one of the ways that we celebrate the winners’ achievements. Winners of the 2024 contest and their adult chaperones were offered a choice of dates to join us for a trip to Sedge Island this summer.


Wrapping Up Wildlife Science Summer Camp for 2024

Saturday, July 27th, 2024

by Rachel McGovern, Communications and Outreach Manager

CWF’s Wildlife Science Summer Camp on Long Beach Island has wrapped up for the 2024 season. This camp was produced by CWF in partnership with the Osprey Foundation and the Long Beach Island Foundation for the Arts & Sciences (LBIF). This year, we offered two distinct weeks of camp, both with hands-on activities and nature exploration.

Our first camp week was “Junior Wildlife Biologists,” which served children ages 10-12. Our intention for this week of camp was to introduce campers to the wildlife studies that are done in New Jersey, learn some of the methodologies used in the field, and witness wildlife data collection.

Campers had the opportunity to work with our wildlife biologists during the week to learn about their areas of expertise. Wildlife Biologist Christine Healy came in for a day of camp to help campers understand land use and its impact on salamanders and to explore how she uses GPS trackers to study turtles.

Wildlife Biologist Christine Healy helps campers design a salamander-friendly town.

Third Grade Students Explore the Fascinating World of Peregrine Falcons

Wednesday, May 15th, 2024

by Rachel McGovern, Director of Education

Peregrine falcons are fascinating to learn about—they are swift, fierce, and intelligent birds. They are a joy to teach about, too! CWF is fortunate to have the opportunity to teach about these amazing birds of prey with students in Linden Public Schools, due to the generous support from Phillips 66 Bayway Refinery.

Each year, CWF visits every third-grade classroom in the Linden Public School District to deliver in-depth lessons about peregrine falcons. These lessons delve into the life history of peregrines, the reason for their decline, and how they are recovering today. Students explore how these falcons have adapted to modern-day landscapes by nesting on manmade structures rather than exclusively choosing their traditional cliffside sites. For city-dwelling students, it’s a revelation to discover that these endangered raptors thrive in environments like their own.

Central to this educational initiative is the Union County Falcon Cam– a live camera on a falcon nest located just a couple miles from Linden’s elementary schools. This camera has been in operation since 2016. It is run in cooperation with Union County and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. A live feed brings the viewer into a nest on the roof of the Union County Courthouse where Frida and Mango, the current pair at this nest, raise young each year. Students learn about the history of the camera and check in with the birds during their lesson. Teachers are also encouraged to check in with the falcons regularly for students to watch them raise their young.


Newark Fifth Graders Enjoy Annual Art Assembly with James Fiorentino

Monday, April 15th, 2024

by Rachel McGovern, Director of Education

Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey’s Species on the Edge Art & Essay Contest
encourages fifth-grade students to create artwork featuring endangered or threatened species in
New Jersey. Every year, fifth-grade students from Ridge Street Elementary School in Newark,
New Jersey eagerly participate in this contest as an integral part of the Soaring with STEAM
curriculum. This curriculum includes a series of specialized lessons taught by CWF educators
throughout the school year. To honor these students’ engagement, CWF organizes an annual
assembly featuring acclaimed artist James Fiorentino. Renowned for his diverse portfolio
spanning wildlife, sports icons, and landscapes, James embarked on his artistic journey at the age
of fifteen, with his work showcased in the Baseball Hall of Fame. During his visit to Ridge Street
Elementary, James shared his inspiring narrative and engaged with the young artists on the
subject of art.


Third Grade Students Host the Annual Bird Festival at Ridge Street Elementary School

Friday, March 29th, 2024

by Rachel McGovern, Director of Education

The spotlight was on the third graders at Ridge Street Elementary School during the Annual Bird Festival! Over the school year, the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey guided third graders at Ridge Street Elementary School in Newark, New Jersey through an exploration of the state’s fascinating birds as part of the Soaring with STEAM curriculum. Students delved into the lives of ospreys, peregrine falcons, bald eagles, and other avian species while engaging in STEM-based projects. To culminate their learning journey, the third graders organized a festival aimed at educating parents, visitors, and younger students about the diverse birdlife in New Jersey.

Students gather to learn about peregrine falcons from third graders at Ridge Street Elementary School.
Photo Credit: Ashley Menniti