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Jersey City Female

The nesting female has been calling Jersey City home since 2004.

Image of The female at Jersey City has been nesting at 101 Hudson St. since 2004.The female at Jersey City has been nesting at 101 Hudson St. since 2004. © Kathy Clark, ENSP

The adult female has remained an elusive one… She has been nesting in Jersey City since 2004. She is only banded with a silver federal USGS band. No one knows her true identity since her band has been unreadable with binocs or cameras. However, during the summer of 2013, on the day of banding, volunteer/nest observer Mike Girone managed to get a couple photos of her leg band. Some numbers were visible and have indicated that she might be an 19 year-old female that was hacked near Maiden Creek, PA in 1995 but we’re still investigating… As Kathy Clark reveals, “That age makes sense in terms of how long she’s been in Jersey City, the large egg clutch, the failure of eggs to hatch and the damaged chicks we’ve seen the past few years. However, a missing color band makes a positive ID at this point impossible. ” It seems we might never know who and where she is from…